Seattle Culinary Community Interviews

Seattle Culinary Community Interviews

If you’ve been a student or if you’ve ever attended a guest lecture, you might have wondered about the instructor and what brought him or her to the podium today. I frequently read and reread the little blurbs about the speakers, but they’re usually...

From the CEO

We went to an Outdoor Research event tonight during which the brand attempts to woo the REI employees into promoting and selling OR products when the customers’ needs fit the product. By doing this, they show off the vision, the manufacturing, and the science of...
Seattle Culinary Community Interviews

Go north to Leavenworth to enjoy South

Leavenworth trips to our family are steeped in tradition. We accompany our parents for a day of antique shopping, ice cream eating, and splashing around in Icicle River. Last time we went to Leavenworth, we actually camped with friends from REI. And we didn’t...