Shopping Online and Making Quick Recipes

Shopping Online and Making Quick Recipes

Well, a few weeks ago, I mentioned to you that we would be testing some handy tools from CSN, a premier online store that provides everything from cooking supplies to dining room tables. I’ve really been honored to have such a great relationship with the...
Shopping Online and Making Quick Recipes

Recent Publications

Last week, I worked hard to publish several articles for Livestrong through a writers network called Demand Studios. I have been focusing on several articles about body image and weight training for women and adolescents. I also wrote a few articles about...
Bastyr Food Fair, June 5th

Bastyr Food Fair, June 5th

This is copied directly from Bastyr’s website. I hope you can attend! Click on the title for the direct link to the Bastyr announcement. Saturday, June 5, 2010 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Bastyr University Campus Grounds Theme: “Nourish the Senses” Download a...