Uwajimaya offers amazing selections

Uwajimaya offers amazing selections

Uwajimaya is an Asian grocery store in the International District of Seattle, and it is a magical toyland for me. When my family lived in Nanjing, China, we would occasionally go to the markets and purchase our food. I really enjoyed seeing the amazing...
Uwajimaya offers amazing selections

Chef Confidential, Part 3

Lessons learned at the Chef’s elbow. Be consistent with your food, with your management Praise publically, correct confidentially. Never embarrass your staff. This is business. Don’t be afraid to hire and fire. Don’t be afraid to correct behavior on the spot, but...
Uwajimaya offers amazing selections

Chef Confidential, Part 2

Apprenticing Meeting. Chef Hal Decker sat down with me at Cupcake Royale a few days later and began introducing me to his culinary career and to the knowledge that he has developed over the years. “A chef is a mother, father, counselor, doctor, confidante, and...
Uwajimaya offers amazing selections

Chef Confidential, Part 1

I have dreamt of becoming a chef for as long as I can remember, and my parents always encouraged my love for food. When I was in high school, I even talked to a recruiter from the Culinary Institute of America. I am not really sure why I decided against a career in...
Uwajimaya offers amazing selections

What is Gluten? Series, Part 4

As you look at the length of the list of foods to avoid, you should be somewhat comforted. Other than basic bread foods, the rest of the items are all processed items, and they’re often higher in sodium, fat, and calories that you don’t need to eat anyway. Look to...