Favorite Asian Cuisine Packs Calories

Favorite Asian Cuisine Packs Calories

 Picture from http://www.maybusher.com/Bests.aspx  The International Examiner, a free publication in the International District, published an examination of popular Asian dishes and the nutrients they provide. It’s not really a disheartening article – we...
Favorite Asian Cuisine Packs Calories

Seattle Culinary Community Interviews

If you’ve been a student or if you’ve ever attended a guest lecture, you might have wondered about the instructor and what brought him or her to the podium today. I frequently read and reread the little blurbs about the speakers, but they’re usually...
Favorite Asian Cuisine Packs Calories

If You Only Have Three Days in Seattle…

One of my college roommates is visiting Seattle, and she (wisely) asked me for some thoughts about her trip. I was pretty thrilled to give her some ideas, but naturally, since I’m a writer, she has to read the blog for my thoughts.  Seattle is a city of...