Shop Whole Foods Seattle on Wed Sept 18 and support the Flagship Foundation!

Obesity and Access to Farmer’s Markets

Does the availability of certain types of grocers affect the health and obesity of a population? The April edition of the American Dietetic Association Journal published a study examining the potential association between obesity and per capita farmers’ markets,...
Shop Whole Foods Seattle on Wed Sept 18 and support the Flagship Foundation!

Off to Green Giant Valley!

So…where’s Kimberly going this week? I am heading to Minnetonka, MN, to visit the Green Giant Valley. This is a trip sponsored by General Mills. My Pepperdine University Alpha Phi sorority sister, Stephanie Nordstrom, has been working on PR and Marketing...
Shop Whole Foods Seattle on Wed Sept 18 and support the Flagship Foundation!

Diagnosing a Food Allergy

Recently, there seems to be a spike in the occurrences of food allergies. Recent events I’ve catered have requested that the chef I’m assisting provide both a vegetarian option and a gluten-free option. The Health Day news service reported that a...