

The company sent our quality systems engineer and me to Thailand for a first production run for a organic rice partnership project, and I think I’ve fallen in love with the land and the food. I always knew that I enjoyed Thai food – the Malibu and Thousand...

On Juggling and Balance

BUCRA mills on my way work ~6:45a Lately, I’ve been pretty buried in projects and deadlines. It happens every few months in R&D – you work hard on several ideas to check for viability of a concept, and then a few of them start to work out. It is...

Hong Kong – Savory Eats

Hong Kong has several famous restaurants, and one of them is one of the cheapest (the cheapest?) Michelin Star restaurants in the world.  Tim Ho Wan, The Dim Sum Specialists is famous for exquisitely formed dim sum cuisine still served in its traditional...

Hong Kong – city for foodies

spotted in a bathroom stall I fantasize moving to Hong Kong pretty often, especially in the weeks following a visit to the region. This Thanksgiving, Josh and I got to visit the city for a week, because he was spending a few weeks in Asia, trekking and rock climbing...