Near-Broccoli Naked Casserole

Since I’ve been volunteering at the Pike Market Food Bank and Senior Center, I’ve been so priviledged to meet some of the most interesting people. Although we come from a variety of backgrounds, we are linked by our common desire to provide nourishing food...
Seattle Culinary Community Interviews

Seattle Culinary Community Interviews

If you’ve been a student or if you’ve ever attended a guest lecture, you might have wondered about the instructor and what brought him or her to the podium today. I frequently read and reread the little blurbs about the speakers, but they’re usually...
Seattle Culinary Community Interviews

Recent Writings

It’s been a little hard to stay on the saddle with writing, but here are some articles that I’ve written lately. Does Wheat Germ Contain Gluten? Pike Market Senior Center Provides Meals and Community Fast Food, Your Diet, and Your Health Fat Free Dry Milk...
Seattle Culinary Community Interviews

Fear of Fish

The Pike Place Market is less than 1 mile from my flat. The advantage is that I can access fresh fish pretty easily. The disadvantage is that I’ve never really processed a fish. Before you think I’m trying to stuff a fish in the food processor, let me...
Seattle Culinary Community Interviews

Eating Locally Makes a Difference

If you read most news sources about the environment, you’ll notice they are starting to reflect a similar fear: due to our lifestyles, our planet’s climate is changing, and it’s beginning to change our lifestyles. In Alaska, the National Public Radio reports that...