Second Quarter Student Entree Projects

Second Quarter Student Entree Projects

From SCA website One thing I really enjoyed about Chef KG’s kitchen is the ability to choose our own entrees to prepare for classmates. In typical form, I decided to do things that were a little bit above my pay grade. Why not? I’m learning, and if I crash...
Second Quarter Student Entree Projects

Seattle Culinary Community Interviews

If you’ve been a student or if you’ve ever attended a guest lecture, you might have wondered about the instructor and what brought him or her to the podium today. I frequently read and reread the little blurbs about the speakers, but they’re usually...

Peas what?

So you might wonder, what’s with the name? Who wants peas on their moss? Well, it’s a play on words and alliteration (Thanks, Mrs. Sanford). Mise en place is a French word that is used in the culinary world as a description of the organization of equipment...