by Kimberly Schaub | Oct 11, 2016 | Food Industry
Over the past several years, I’ve cultivated a network of Research Chefs Association and Institute of Food Technologist professionals. When I first attended expos and trade shows, I knew nobody, and I wandered around and chatted with strangers to get to know why...
by Kimberly Schaub | Aug 18, 2016 | Food Science
I was featured on Adam Yee’s My Food Job Rocks podcast last week, and the Foodgrads group wrote a really generous feature about it in their newsletter. They’ve allowed me to share it with you. It’s a trip to read a preview about my own career and...
by Kimberly Schaub | Aug 13, 2016 | Food Industry, Podcast
Food scientist and product developer Adam Yee is a graduate of Cal Poly’s Food Science and Nutrition program and is already making a name for himself as a podcaster as the host of the My Food Job Rocks! Hear why Adam started his podcast...
by Kimberly Schaub | Jun 7, 2016 | Food Industry
Food Creativity @ Work’s Chef Renata Bocayuva owns and operates the consulting R&D company in Seattle, WA, and has rebuilt her culinary career several times. A graduate of European culinary training, Chef Renata worked in Europe for years before...
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