by Kimberly Schaub | May 6, 2013 | Food Industry
Four years ago, when Josh and I moved here from Pueblo, CO, we had just started following the gluten free diet due to Josh’s severe gluten intolerance. We walked into a neighborhood bakery (then called Wheatless in Seattle, now called Olivia Superfree) and were...
by Kimberly Schaub | Jun 30, 2012 | Food Industry
Courtesy of Nathan Crave These last few weeks have been almost as busy as the month of May. We had the joy of cooking for a few charities and sharing our food with children at a Montessori school. While it is awesome to cook for celebrity chefs, there is something...
by Kimberly Schaub | Dec 28, 2011 | Food Science
Thanks to MyBlogSpark for this tasty recipe. It was originally designed for publication in preparation for the holiday season, but there’s no reason you can’t enjoy pumpkin bread throughout the rest of the winter. You can read the original format of the...
by Kimberly Schaub | Aug 25, 2011 | Food Industry
These are photos from the Green Giant Valley Tour sponsored by General Mills. All of the photos posted were taken by the professional photographer. Enjoy!
by Laura Hunter | Feb 8, 2011 | Culinary Arts
I must confess the first time I heard someone refer to their Gluten-Free diet I immediately lumped it in with all of the other crazy diets people seemed to try, like the blood group diet or the maple syrup diet. It wasn’t until I talked to someone with...
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