Today’s Guest, Jessica Coon, works at Texas Food Solutions, the first company in Houston, Texas, providing commercial High Pressure Processing (HPP) tolling to Southeast Texas and Louisiana. We re-met at a recent trade show and started chatting about the pros and cons and myths of HPP, and it occurred to me that we should have recorded the discussion. So, I invited Jessica to join the show and tell us all about the technology as well as detail her journey from the restaurants to this seemingly high tech processing method. She and I started talking about Imposter Syndrome as well, because as a chef, a female, and a technical expert, she has caught herself with some negative self talk before. I really appreciated her mantra and understanding how to address it.

Get in touch with Texas Food Solutions – they do contract R&D nationwide and are centrally located.

– Facebook:@Texasfoodsolutions 
– Instagram:hpptestkitchen
– Twitter:@HPPTestKitchen

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