Chef Karl Marsh is no stranger in the Research Chefs Association, having logged nearly twenty years as an active research chef and serving on the certification commission for the past two years. Now as the chairman of the certification commission, Chef Karl is leading the charge to improve the exam, refocusing both the CCS and CRC exams to emphasize culinology knowledge while also vetting the experiences of the food scientists and chefs. Together with the committee volunteers and the certification management team led by Elizabeth Dombrowski, the commission is reviewing exam qualifications, certification renewal processes, and supporting the members who have earned the certifications. Go to the RCA homepage and click on “grow” to get information about the certification.

In addition to his volunteer work, Chef is also a research chef working with Freshly, a ready-to-eat, single-serving meal service delivered to your door. Chef Catherine Proper is credited for getting Chef Karl to come to Freshly, and we spend a little bit of time talking about her impact on both our career growth.

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