I’ve started refocusing my work on my blog, and I want it to be interesting and informative to you.

It’s been five years since I started this blog and started recording my culinary school journey. Over time, it went from talking about school and culinary courses to advertising events for local readers.

I want to loop back to school and tell you the stories of some of the incredible men and women I met in school and what they’ve done in the intervening years. A few SCA alumni have expressed interest in hearing their stories. What else would you like to hear?

Are you curious about culinary school and changing careers?

Are you interested in staying on top of the food social scene?

Food travel tips?

A series of my food adventures?

Recipes or cooking lessons?

Would you take the survey and help me hone the blog just for you?

It’s a quick series of questions that will help me know what you’re most interested in reading about.
