“Time flies when you’re having fun” is a saying that would run through my head, especially when I wasn’t having fun. Lately, I have to agree with the positive perspective of this adage, especially in view of recent months.

My time with Sugar Mountain/Beecher’s Cheese has been flying, and I have barely had time to blog. In fact, I haven’t. I’ve had a partially developed blog idea partnership with my friend Katy for months (actually since the MC days) and a collection of gluten free flours amassing in my cabinet for weeks. Woops. Time for some serious planning!

Part of the challenge in having time fly is that I really love my work. It’s now a paid version of my play – creating delicious products to share with people. I also find that the co-workers I rely on are of really high caliber – each person from the accounting team to the sales team is someone that I want to work hard for. And yeah, I still think that even now that the honeymoon period is winding down. I’m not so star-struck that I don’t recognize opportunities for improvement, gaps, or flubs (and I’ve had plenty of my own), but I have been impressed that the team of people in the entire company are those who generally strive for the same goal of producing and selling high quality product. It’s a feeling I’ve lacked in a while.

But I digress.

I really have meant to keep up with writing. Even today, I cut out an article that I meant to write about. I ended up checking some work emails and responding to some customers that I hadn’t had time to reach on Friday, because I was in the test kitchen strategizing my next projects. Not a shabby day, I must say. Well, I guess I’ll work on the blog tomorrow instead.

Procrastination still lives.