I have been playing around with recipes lately, and I have found that I truly enjoy taking a recipe and playing around with the ingredients and preparation methods.

I’ve been baking protein cookies for Josh for almost two years now, I don’t think I’ve made them quite the same each time. That is partially because I am constantly modifying the recipes, but it’s also because I don’t write down everything I do, so each baking day is a little bit different.

Well, I can’t do that in my new job – I have to write down everything I do. It’s definitely a good thing, because, eventually, we write the recipes or formulas down for future use.

Josh has been so supportive of my longer days and my exploration. He even picked up a notebook for me to record notes and recipes. I think he hopes I’ll eventually standardize his protein cookies. Hmmm

I think the difference between simply making up recipes and going about recipe development is in being deliberate, methodical, and good about writing everything down, even if they fail.

So, I guess I’ll start doing that, ey?

Since I’m not taking any culinary classes again for a while, I will be changing the direction of my blog. I hope you don’t mind.  This blog will now be more of a record of adventures in my kitchen from a research perspective.
