Since Josh and I are starting out work at Mother’s Choice, we’ll be a bit busy and won’t get to blog as much. My dear friend, Laura Hunter, who also lived in Hong Kong and worked at Mother’s Choice, has graciously agreed to share some of her writing with us.

Laura and I met when we were probably 7 or 8 years old–or maybe even younger. We were neighbors on Lantau Island, and her parents and my parents worked together for YWAM. When we were 14, we did a King’s Kids performing arts mission trip together.  She has given me plenty of grace and love in our years as friends, and I hope that you enjoy reading her work as much as I do.

You can read her own blog, Small Wallet, Big Appetite and check out her book, Trading Pain for Pain. She is an accomplished photographer, published author and am excellent food writer.  I hope you enjoy her writing.
